Create a signature system and a signature talk
Create a process where you take your people to their desired goal

I believe you need a signature system where you combine your skills and experiences in a way so your people can see the results they can get from working with you. It is a process of 5-10 steps that will ensure your people the results they are looking for. AND it will make your work much easier to leverage from on-on to groups when you are ready for that.
When you create a signature system you can also set higher fees on your services since your people can see the value of working with you. You can probably double your income depending on what you are charging at the moment. A signature system will attract more committed clients as they say yes to working with you over a period of time instead of buying your service by the hour,
The signature system will also be the foundation upon which you build your signature talk. A talk that focuses upon delivering value to your people and letting them know you can serve them with your system.
Speak about your services from your client’s perspective
It is all about them and the results they will get

One of the greatest mistakes I see when it comes to communicate what we do in business is that we speak from our own perspective instead of our peoples. If that is true for you – now is the time to make a shift from you to them. You want to attract clients don’t you?
When you have a signature system this is easy but even if you don’t you can start talking about what you do from your client’s perspective. Here are a couple of examples:
Talk about the results your people will get not how you will get them there. We tend to focus upon our services from “this is what I do” – perspective. Your people want help with a problem and how you will take them there is not as important as that you can do it. Let them know you can.
Learn to attract your people into your business
Sales and marketing from a new perspective

In this time on planet earth we are many who are longing for authentic marketing and sales. This is all about building relationships, it is about being a contribution and about serving.
In this time on planet earth we are many who are longing for authentic marketing and sales. This is all about building relationships, it is about being a contribution and about serving.

Replace the words market and sell with invite and you’ll have an instant shift in you being. I believe you are keen on inviting people in to your world to come play with you. Invite your people!
One of the fastest ways to invite new clients into your world is to speak locally. Create your own speaking engagements or contact networks
where you could speak. This is where you use your signature talk! People get to know who you are and what you do. You’ll be seen as an
expert in your field and you will get the opportunity to invite them to have heartfelt conversations about how you can serve them.
Learn to enroll new clients with heartfelt conversations
Connect with your client’s heart and your own

These conversations are valuable to you and your people even when your potential client says no to working with you. Because they will gain clarity and you will learn what they struggle with.
The heartfelt conversation gives you the opportunity to decide if you are a perfect match to this client. It might even be you who says no.
They lay the foundation to an honest and heartfelt collaboration when your people do say yes. And they will convert many of your potential clients into paying clients.
The 8 parts of a heartfelt conversation
- Help your potential client to gain clarity about what they are struggling with or what they are longing for
- Give them space and guidance to connect with how this struggle is affecting their life
- Let them describe what they would like to experience instead
- Let your potential client describe how they think you could help them
- Describe how you think you could take them from their struggle to their vision (your signature system)
- Let your client decide if your services are right (and you might need to assure them)
- Address the fears and concerns about time and money in a heartfelt way
- Get their clear yes or no
This is a method that takes some time to master and it does have a few more aspects to it. But you can use these guidelines and come very far. I promise. Get ready to invite and enroll new clients into your business.